Firebase In-App Messaging in Unity
TL;DR: In-App Messages can be added to Unity by using the Firebase Dependency Files. It works without much trouble but there are limitations.
Automatic Gitlab Pages SSL Certificate Renew
TL;DR: Automatic updates of the certificate are definately possible but some setup is required and you have to be careful how you manage the access rights to the runner
Unity native call reference
TL;DR: A lookup reference for the most common native calls on Android and iOS.
Unity Behaviours in DLLs
TL;DR: Unity uses a special way of referencing Behaviours that are compiled inside of an DLL. Unity saves a special fileID inside .prefab and .asset files that is constructed from the namespace and name of a Behaviour. Read the complete article to find out how the fileID is calculated and how to solve occurring issues.
Run Unity Personal inside a Docker container
TL;DR: For in-depth info skip to next paragraph. Use the ready baked images available on DockerHub or follow the steps beneath to create your own activated Unity Linux on a Docker image.
Automatically let Unity copy files to Android APK 'assets' directory
TL;DL; For more info skip to next paragraph. Create a ‘assets’ directory in “Assets/Plugins/Android” to let Unity automatically copy all containing files to the APK ‘assets’ directory.
Use 'Format' versions of methods to reduce string.Format() calls with help from Resharper
TL;DR: For in-depth info skip to next paragraph. To reduce unnecessary string.Format() calls use Resharper custom pattern to get hints if there is a ‘Format’ version available. The custom pattern allows automatic optimization of the code.
Converting .pdb files to .mdb for Unity3D.
TL;DR: For in-depth info skip to next paragraph. Use the standalone pdb2mdb.exe converter:
"<PATH_TO_EXE_DIR>\pdb2mdb.exe" MyAssembly.dll
to create MyAssembly.dll.mdb from the MyAssembly.pdb which must be in the same directory as the DLL. Optionally if VSTU are installed you can import the DLL and PDB into Unity to generate the MDB file from Unity.